Saturday, May 29, 2010

Palm Springs Air Museum, spends hundreds of thousands in charity money to fight over less than $10,000 in tools!!

Unbelievable, that’s what we thought,
Who are the geniuses behind this?


  1. James19:54

    I know someone that works there, and apparently the Air Museum is so embarrassed by their board that some are considering quitting. They are losing donors left and right, and they are totally out of money.

  2. I don’t know about that, I heard that they spent $200,000, not $400,000 and got some stuff, but I did hear that they lost the case, and only got like 10 grand in tools

  3. James19:54

    Did you know that one of the Air Museums executives hired his own son as the attorney to fight the case!!

  4. Aaron19:55

    That cant be legal sounds like a motherload of a conflict, I think someone should check if that’s true

  5. James19:55

    What do you mean, its right there on the legal documents

  6. All I know is that, that place is not like it used to be, and whether its 200k or 400k that is unbelievable for a charity to spend that, and I cant believe that they went through with it

  7. Kelly19:56

    Has anyone seen the court documents, because I have, it was settled right before Arbitration, and the Air Museum not only did not get a single claim, but they now have to pay a bunch more money in insurance. Additionally they now have to maintain the airplanes in a super strict fashion which requires an inspection of all the airplanes, and Phil Hixon which is one of the retards which runs the show is peing in his pants because he did not properly maintain many of the planes in prior years and trying to blame on lack of tools, and now can be sued for millions of dollars by Northern Trust which owns all the planes. They tried to bully Jo Pond which is the Founders wife by threatening a big lawsuit and she didn’t budge and called their bluff, now they are left with this huge can of worms that’s exploded in there face.

  8. What a shitty lawyer they must have, I am a 3rd year law student and I could tell you, WTF , that settlement is a joke the Air Museum just bent over .

  9. Kelly19:57

    They have like a 100 year old has been attorney representing them, LOL

  10. Aaron19:57

    This is too funny, I was down there and I asked the ticket lady if the loss of the case is affecting support and she told me that they were told by the management that they won, lol

  11. No F* way are you serious,

  12. Aaron19:58

    Swear to god, that’s what

  13. M.G.19:58

    Thanks Kelly for posting settlement agreement, It suggests to me that the "settlement" of the case was more like a capitulation by the has been lawyer and a dropping of the suit by PSAM — in all but name only. Happy to see Jo Pond vindicated.
